Queue Community Guidelines

Thanks for downloading and using Queue! We have provided the following Community Guidelines to help our users have a safe and fun experience. Please be aware that your failure to follow these Guidelines could result in suspension or termination of your account or other legal liability. The Queue Safety Team may at their discretion suspend or terminate your account without warning for any reason, including violations of the Community Guidelines listed below or the Terms of Service.

  • Be respectful of our community and do not post content that is defamatory, indecent, hateful, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, sexual in nature, disgraceful, vulgar or otherwise inappropriate. This includes, but is not limited to inappropriate display names, handles, reviews, and comments. Please let us know if you view any content that violates this rule. You can report any user or comment in the app or email us directly at info@queue.co.

  • Do not impersonate others - it is against our guidelines to impersonate parties including but not limited to private individuals, public figures, brands or companies.

  • All users must be 13 years or older of age.

  • Be careful about the information you share on publically available portions of our App. Don’t share information such as your phone number, address, or email address. Remember, this is the internet!

  • Do not make plans to meet up with users off the App that you don’t already know in real life.

  • Don’t post any content that is untruthful or misleading.

  • You may not use the Services or any information you obtained through the Services to threaten, harass or bully another user.

  • Have you tried Queueing or reviewing The Office? You might unlock an Easter Egg...

  • Be kind and have fun :)